Saturday, January 22, 2011

Carl McKnight: The Devil's Out Tonight

The Devil's Out Tonight probably came out some time around the early 80's in LA. McKnight leads the Sweat & Steel band through his own compositions, and the band's playing is precise. The accompanying percussion sounds more relaxed than that of many steel bands, giving this great record a unique quality. I copied the liner notes from the back cover:
"Sweat & Steel, under the brilliant and skillful leadership of Carl McKnight, is back, with calypso and reggae, gone funky. This album is dedicated to all who have tried, but failed to stop us from reaching our chosen goal. (Which is to promote the essential factors of life, such as, love, peace, and righteousness thru our unique music.) Thumbs down (as in the days of the gladiators) to those we have dealt with in the past, may we write your epigraphs, while you dig your own graves, for such dwellings are appropriate to your cause. Dread! Dread! Dread! Dead, dead, dead."

The Devil's Out Tonight by Easyjams